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Breaking Barriers | Anna D'Addio | Creating Our Future Together With Science | Nobel Prize Dialogue

Economist and policy analyst Anna D'Addio delves into the complexities of biases in machine learning ...View More

Major news outlets urge Biden, Trump to commit to presidential debates

Major news outlets are asking President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump to publicly comm ...View More

The Paradox of Connection in the Age of AI | James Vincent | TEDxUniversityofBristol

In an era where our relationship with technology deepens, we encounter a paradox: the more connected ...View More

How to Talk To Your Enemies | Alicia Dunams | TEDxDanville

We live in a time of social and interpersonal conflict unprecedented since the upheavals of the 1960 ...View More

Autigender: Disability, Gender, and What You Can Do as Allies | Yenn Purkis | TEDxCanberra

Each and everyone of us has our own unique gender identity. Each and every single one of them deserv ...View More

跨越偏見的界線 | 林 佳靜 | TEDxAnping

本演講深入探討偏見、刻板印象與歧視的關係,強調透過自我觀察與正向行動跨越界線的重要性。揭示偏見源於個人信念和社會文化 ... ...View More

GÜNEŞ KREMİNİ UNUTMA! | Zehra İnşallah | TEDxBMC Youth

At the TEDxYouth@BodrumMarmaraCollege event hosted by Bodrum Marmara College, Influencer Zehra İNŞAL ...View More

Faith, Fear, and Honor: The Black Journey in Clinical Research | Chekaya Glaspie | TEDxWalnut Street

This talk explores the complex relationship between the African American community and the medical e ...View More

Hyper Realism | Geonhee Ko | TEDxYouth@IASA

Hyper Realism He is a high school student. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED confere ...View More

Error 404: Human Face Not Found | Robin Aisha Pocornie | TEDxAmsterdam

Meet Robin, who went from ordinary Computer Science student to a trailblazer who turned AI bias into ...View More

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